You can’t manage what you don’t measure
When was the last time you dug into the details of your utility costs? If your answer is never, then you’re likely paying too much and missing signs of upcoming equipment failure and improper operation.
Monitoring and Targeting systems record and analyse your utility use to produce timely reports on energy performance of your operations. Such reports will help you track energy cost reduction initiatives and make informed decisions about maintenance, upgrades.
If your energy use spikes or crawls over a threshold due to equipment failure or an operator error, the system will alert you, enabling you to take timely corrective action. This can save you thousands of dollars, avoid downtime and improve product quality.
Tracking energy use is like watching your equipment 24/7/365 across a plant or across a country, without leaving your office.
Companies that track energy use 5% less energy. How much will this be in your company?