Values and business principles
- Key question for every consulting project: How will results benefit client’s business?
- Keep it as simple as possible, but not simpler.
- Project must make sense for every participant or it does not make sense at all.
- Win-Win or No-Deal.
- Without measurements any calculation is just an opinion.
- If conclusions of a technical report are not clear to CEO or CFO from first reading – they must be re-written.
- A consulting study without a recommended Action Plan is pointless.
Anatoli worked in business analysis and development for over 20 years.
Working for larger companies such as Lucent Technologies and KPMG and for several smaller companies in Canada, The Netherlands, and Russia, he has learned to identify opportunities and threats, assess and quantify their impact on business, develop practical recommendations and oversee their implementation. He keeps learning every day to deliver more value on the next project.
Anatoli Naoumov, MSc (Eng), MBA, CMVP
Founding Partner and Chief Energy Waste Buster
Anatoli graduated from St. Petersburg Technical University (recognized as one of the top 10 technical universities in Russia) with an MSc in Computer Science/Engineering. Subsequently he earned an MBA from the TSM Business School in The Netherlands, nicknamed “MBA for engineers”.
His green energy career started with solar PV project development following a course in feasibility study development taken at Willis College / Clean Energy Institute in Canada. Later Anatoli moved to an even greener field of industrial energy efficiency and received certification as a measurement and verification professional (CMVP) from The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and The Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO).
Publications and presentations
During ‘solar’ time Anatoli presented about requirements, risks and opportunities of building a roof top solar PV system under Ontario FIT program during a solar event held by Partners at Project Green in Toronto, March 8, 2011.
Anatoli is an active member the Southern Ontario Chapter of Association of Energy Engineers (AEESOC), where he delivered several presentations at Chapter events (link and link). In 2019 Anatoli presented at the AEE World Energy Conference in Washington, DC.
Energy Manager Canada magazine invited Anatoli to run a regular column – EnergyWISE. Antoli has also published articles on industrial energy management inĀ several industry magazines. Links to a growing list of articles can be found at Our Publications page.
Recording of a presentation of Partners in Project Green event
In 2019 on behalf of GreenQ Partners Anatoli received Clean50 Top Project Award for an Innovative, Impactful, Inspiring and ready to be Implemented project in the area of industrial refrigeration optimization.